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China-Australia Seminar on the Economic Development and the Protection of the Rights of Ethnic Minorities and Aborigines Is Held in Honghe Prefecture, Yunnan Province
2004-12-16 00:00

China-Australia Seminar on the Economic Development and the Protection of the Rights of Ethnic Minorities and Aborigines was held in Honghe Prefecture, Yunnan Province from December 15 to 16, 2004. The Seminar was jointly organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China, and Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission of Australia, with more than 50 delegates from both China and Australia participating in the seminar. Shen Guofan, Assistant Foreign Minister, attended the opening ceremony and pointed out in his opening address that the Chinese government attaches great importance to ensuring the rights of ethnic minorities to be involved in the decision-making process and to benefit from the economic development, and that the Chinese government will properly address the relations between the economic development and the protection of natural environment, resources, and the unique ethnic and cultural traditions in the region where ethnic minorities concentrate. The country has the responsibility to take necessary measures and special preferential policies in the political, economic, social and cultural fields to protect their rights. The Chinese government is willing to strengthen exchanges with its Australian counterpart, and learn from them to offset the weakness so as to jointly promote the protection of the rights of ethnic minorities and aborigines.

Party Secretary Luo Chongmin of Honghe Prefecture stressed that the ethnic issue is a global issue. The protection of the rights of ethnic minorities is an issue of concern to everyone with a global vision and a caring mind to the human and social development. Only when the rights of ethnic minorities are protected can the common development of all nationalities and the harmony and progress of mankind be achieved. Honghe magistrate Bai Chengliang made a comprehensive introduction to the achievements in the economic development and the protection of the rights of ethnic minorities. He expressed that Honghe Prefecture will continue to implement the policy of regional autonomy according to law, give full respect and protection to the legitimate rights of all ethnic minorities and try to achieve the coordinated development between the economic development and the protection of the rights of ethnic minorities.

Participants in the seminar carried out in-depth discussions on 3 topics: The Rights of Ethnic Minorities and Aborigines Prescribed in the International Human Rights Instruments and the Realization of These Rights in the Process of Domestic Economic Development, the Protection of Social and Cultural Characteristics of the Ethnic Minorities and Aborigines in the Process of Economic Development, the Role of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) and Enterprises in the Economic Development of Ethnic Minorities and Aborigines. Delegates from China and Australia exchanged their views frankly and introduced their respective policies and practices in protecting human rights of ethnic minorities and aborigines.

China and Australia both believed that the seminar enhanced mutual understanding and expanded common consensus, therefore it was of positive significance. In the future, both countries will continue to conduct exchanges and cooperation in the field of human rights in the spirit of equality and mutual respect.

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