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Joint Statement of the Moscow Meeting Between Heads of State of China and Russia
2009-06-18 15:58

At the invitation of President Dmitry Medvedev of the Russian Federation, President Hu Jintao of the People's Republic of China paid an official visit to the Russian Federation on 16-18 June 2009. In Moscow, President Hu Jintao held talks with President Medvedev in private and large-group meetings, and met with Prime Minister Vladimir Putin of the government of the Russian Federation and Chairman Boris Gryzlov of the State Duma of the Russian Federal Assembly.

President Hu Jintao also attended the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit and the BRIC Summit in Yekaterinburg on 15-16 June 2009 with other heads of state and the representative.


The two heads of state discussed the current situation and future prospect of China-Russia strategic partnership of cooperation in the spirit of mutual understanding and mutual trust, and had a candid and in-depth exchange of views on major international and regional issues and reached broad consensus.

The two sides expressed satisfaction with the development of China-Russia relations in the past year. In 2008, China and Russia thoroughly completed the survey of the boundary between the two countries, ratified the Action Plan to Implement the China-Russia Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation (2009-2012), launched energy negotiations at vice-premier level, and signed an inter-governmental agreement on oil cooperation, boosted gas cooperation and institutionalized the “China Year” and “Russia Year” activities. The two sides believed that all this is of historic significance. Moreover, the two sides constantly improved the mechanism of regular meetings between the heads of government of the two countries, established the China-Russia Joint Committee on Proper Use and Protection of Transboundary Waters and inaugurated the new grand project of hosting the “Year of Russian Language” in China (2009) and the “Year of Chinese Language” in Russia (2010) to create a good atmosphere for celebrating the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries.

The two heads of state underlined that mutual support on issues related to the core interest of the two countries is an important part of China-Russia strategic partnership of cooperation. The Russian side reiterated that Taiwan and Tibet are inalienable parts of the Chinese territory and Russia would not change its principled position on issues concerning Taiwan and Tibet and would support the peaceful development of the relations between the mainland and Taiwan and China's peaceful reunification. The two sides emphasized that mutual support on issues relating to sovereignty and territorial integrity of the two countries is of great importance. The Chinese side expressed its support to Russia's efforts in maintaining peace and stability in the Caucasus.

The two sides expressed willingness to maintain close coordination and mutual support in the preparations for the celebration of the 65th anniversary of the victory of WWII, the 2010 Shanghai Expo, the 26th Universiade in Shenzhen in 2011 and the 27th Universiade in Kazan, the APEC Economic Leaders Meeting in Vladivostok in 2012 and the 2014 Olympic Winter Games in Sochi.

During the visit, the two sides signed the following documents in Moscow:

- Protocol to Agreement signed on 27 June 1997 Between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Russian Federation on the Establishment of Regular Meeting Mechanism Between the Heads of Government and Its Organizational Principles

- Memorandum of Understanding on Natural Gas Cooperation

- Memorandum of Understanding on Coal Cooperation

- Memorandum of Understanding Between the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China and the Economic Development Department of the Russian Federation in Promoting Bilateral Trade and Cooperation of Machinery and Electronic Products

- Framework Agreement on Loans Worth US$700 Million Between the Export-Import Bank of China and the Vneshekonombank of Russia

- Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation Between China Gold Group and the Renova Group of Russia in Jointly Exploiting Precious Metals


The two heads of states briefed each other in detail on the current economic situation in their own country and their respective measures to combat the international financial crisis. They expressed mutual support to these measures. Both sides agreed that the crisis had triggered turbulence and instability in the international financial market, global trade and economy, posing severe challenges to the economic growth of the two countries.

China and Russia shared same or similar views and stances on the root causes of the crisis and the reform of the global financial system and the international financial institutions. To overcome the financial crisis, nations around the world and international organizations must develop the broadest cooperation in political, trade and economic and financial fields under the principle of equality and accommodation to each other's interest. In face of the current crisis, it is of special significance to strive to make the best use of the potentials of various regional institutions and organizations and raise the controllability of financial markets. The two heads of state were both against protectionism in global trade and agreed that the global financial system after the crisis should be fair, just, inclusive and orderly. They also agreed that a new round of the IMF quota formula review and the reform schemes of the World Bank should be completed as scheduled and that the emerging markets and developing countries should have a bigger say and broader representation in the international financial institutions. The two sides stressed the importance of deepening bilateral cooperation in dealing with the fallout from the crisis and in reforming the global financial system.

The two heads of state noted the downward trend in the two-way trade volume, mutual investment and border trade between China and Russia due to the impact of the global financial crisis. They believed that the two sides should work together to mitigate the negative impact of the crisis on economic cooperation and bilateral trade. To this end, the two sides will adopt measures to promote bilateral trade, create a stable and enabling environment for the entry of goods and services into each other's market, reduce or remove the existing technical barriers, increase mutual supply of traditional exports, machinery and electronical goods and hi-tech products, expand the categories of trading commodities and encourage financial and banking sectors of both countries to provide financing services for trading activities.

To maintain the positive momentum of bilateral trade and economic cooperation is an important way to fend off the negative impact of the international financial and economic crisis on the economy of China and Russia. The immediate task is to implement the demonstration projects of mutual investment that have already been decided, use financial and banking tools more actively, and improve the settlement in domestic currencies in border trade and tourist services to create good conditions for the expansion of settlement in RMB yuan and Ruble. The two sides should also formulate and implement plans in forestry processing industry and expand cooperation between localities.

The two heads of state ratified the China-Russia Investment Cooperation Framework. Both sides will earnestly implement the framework, encourage and support enterprises of the two countries to carry out pragmatic cooperation in such areas as machine manufacturing, construction, light industry, transportation, agriculture, communications, banking and insurance, science and technology development, energy, chemical industry, forestry and mining. The two sides stressed that, the mechanism of the China-Russia Investment Promotion Conference had contributed effectively to the promotion of bilateral investment cooperation since its establishment. The two sides will further improve this mechanism, facilitate the implementation of major investment cooperation projects with a view to elevating the quality and level of China-Russia investment cooperation.

The coordination of development strategies of neighboring regions between China and Russia will help accelerate the growth of regional economy of both countries. The two sides have made great efforts to work out a plan on the cooperation between Northeast China and Russia's Far East and East Siberia regions. It is in the interest of the two peoples to coordinate development strategies of border regions through mutually-beneficial and feasible means. This will boost the good-neighborliness and friendly cooperation in border regions between China and Russia, help improve the cooperation format and raise the level of cooperation.

The two heads of state urged the relevant departments of the two countries to wrap up consultations on the above-mentioned framework at an early date, so that it could be submitted for approval when the two heads of state meet before the end of 2009.

The two heads of state spoke highly of the energy negotiation mechanism between China and Russia and their inter-governmental agreement on oil cooperation. They emphasized that, the overall advancement of cooperation in oil, natural gas, nuclear energy and electric power marked a new stage of China-Russia strategic partnership of cooperation. The two sides discussed cooperation on nuclear energy, one of the priorities of bilateral economic cooperation, and expressed satisfaction with the progress made in this area. The two sides will launch the construction of the second phase of the Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant and the commercial demonstration fast reactor.

The two heads of state believed that China and Russia should strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation in civil aviation manufacturing, and actively carry out cooperation projects that comply with the market needs and the civil aircraft development plans of both sides.

The fast-growing cooperation in environmental protection has become an important component of China-Russia strategic partnership of cooperation. The two sides will continue to deepen cooperation in the proper use and protection of transboundary waters. The two heads of state applauded the achievements in the cooperation in this area, namely, the joint monitoring of the quality of transboundary waters, the timely sharing of information in transboundary environment emergencies, the protection of biodiversity and the work related to transboundary natural reserves.

Achievements were made in the proper use and protection of transboundary waters. The two sides had signed relevant inter-governmental agreement and established the Joint Committee on Proper Use and Protection of Transboundary Waters which had already started to work for an overall arrangement of the proper use and protection of transboundary waters between China and Russia.

The two sides will improve the efficiency of the cooperation in fishery, prevent illegal trade of aquatic products, look into the possibility of signing relevant cooperation documents and establish a cooperation mechanism to prevent and combat the illegal and arbitrary fishing for aquatic biological resources in northwest Pacific.

The two sides noted that, the Subcommittee on Cooperation of Customs to be established within the framework of the Committee on the Regular Meeting Between the Heads of Government of China and Russia is of great importance in elevating bilateral economic cooperation and trade and strengthening the cooperation between the Customs of the two countries.


The two heads of state expressed satisfaction with the continuous development of cultural and people-to-people cooperation. The two sides had consolidated and expanded the social basis of China-Russia strategic partnership of cooperation through cultural and film festivals, media and sports exchanges, and activities in the fields of health care, tourism and archives. The two sides would focus efforts on cooperation in the prevention and control of sudden outbreak of acute infectious diseases.

The two sides will value the interaction between the old and the new generations of their statesmen, make full use of the precious experience gained along the development of bilateral relations and actively apply new ideas that will help cement China-Russia strategic partnership of cooperation.

The two sides noted the significance of hosting university art festivals, exchanges of university and middle school students, forums of university presidents and China-Russia higher education exhibitions to expand interaction between the youth. The "Year of Russian Language" in China in 2009 and the "Year of Chinese Language" in Russia in 2010 will deepen bilateral cultural and people-to-people exchanges and expand mutual understanding. The two heads of state believed that the third China-Russia youth sports meeting to be held in Beijing in 2009 would be a success.

The two heads of state pointed out with satisfaction that the drafting of an inter-governmental agreement to establish cultural centers in each other's country had been going smoothly. They instructed the departments concerned to conclude the agreement at an early date within this year.


The two heads of state emphasized that, the Joint Statement Between the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation on Major International Issues signed on 23 May 2008 is of major practical significance.

The two heads of state agreed that the basic principles of international law should be consolidated and the core role of the United Nations should be strengthened. The two sides wished that the international community would take collective actions to stabilize world economy as it would inspire mutual trust among countries.

The two heads of state made it clear that, China and Russia support the G8 in strengthening dialogue and cooperation with major developing countries and establishing a partnership of equality, mutual benefit and win-win outcomes with developing countries. Developing countries should be encouraged to participate more in global issues, including combating international financial crisis, consolidating world security, fighting against terrorism and transnational crimes, safeguarding food security and energy security, eliminating poverty, improving the systems of education and health care and addressing climate change.

President Hu Jintao deeply appreciated Russia's efforts made as the Chair of the SCO. He pointed out that from 2008 to 2009, many important initiatives as well as some agreements reached before had been smoothly implemented. This had consolidated the legal foundation of the SCO.

The SCO summit held in Yekaterinburg on 15-16 June shows that the SCO has become an effective element in regional and world stability. The two sides support the SCO in conducting dialogue with other countries, international organizations and forums on safeguarding world peace and security and facilitating cooperation in economic, cultural and people-to-people arenas.

The two sides emphasized that the SCO is playing an ever important role in the international efforts to address the issues concerning Afghanistan and its neighboring region, as evidenced by the Special Conference on Afghanistan convened under the auspices of the SCO in Moscow on 27 March 2009. The two sides will adopt coordinated measures, implement the conference declaration, the Statement by the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Member States and the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan on Combating Terrorism, Illicit Drug Trafficking and Organized Crime and its Plan of Action. China and Russia will continue to assist the Afghan Government in consolidating state power and upholding national security independently and effectively.

The two sides were of the view that regional cooperation should be strengthened in combating terrorism, drug trafficking and organized transnational crimes, with the UN playing the leading role and with the active participation of the SCO.

China and Russia remain committed to close cooperation within the framework of the SCO Regional Counter-Terrorism Structure, support the efforts to further cement the legal foundation of the Structure and substantially strengthen counter-terrorism cooperation.

The two heads of state pointed out that BRIC and the China-Russia-India troika, as coordination mechanisms to address pressing issues in global development, have broad prospects. China and Russia were ready to strengthen cooperation in areas of common interests within these two mechanisms.

Both sides believed that international security can only be achieved through interdependency and inclusiveness. Security of one country should not override that of another, nor can it be achieved through the expansion of military and political alliance or the deployment of global and regional missile defense systems.

The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) is the basis of international non-proliferation system. China and Russia reiterated their firm support to this treaty. The two countries firmly support the multilateral efforts to enhance and raise the authority and effectiveness of the NPT without separating its three pillars, namely, non-proliferation, disarmament and the peaceful use of nuclear power. The two sides will work for the smooth convening of the NPT Review Conference in 2010 and will apply a series of measures to consolidate the authority and effectiveness of the NPT.

China and Russia advocate the peaceful use of outer space and oppose its weaponization. Both sides will actively encourage the UN Conference on Disarmament to work concretely on the draft "Treaty on the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space, the Threat or Use of Force Against Outer Space Objects" as soon as possible. The two sides will continue to cooperate closely to safeguard the security of outer space.

The two heads of state stressed that all countries should earnestly implement the UN Security Council Resolution 1540, commit themselves to the prevention of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their carriers as well as relevant materials, particularly to the prevention of them from reaching the hands of terrorist groups and other non-state entities.

It is of great importance to fight against all forms of terrorism through cooperation and enhance international and regional security through bilateral and multilateral channels. The two sides were of the view that the UN should play a leading and coordinating role in the international counter-terrorism cooperation. China and Russia will jointly implement the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, adopt the standards set in international counter-terrorism conventions and promote the early formulation of a "comprehensive convention on international terrorism".

China and Russia will tap the potentials of business communities, media and non-governmental organizations to promote dialogues between different civilizations, religions and cultures. The two sides stressed the need to strengthen cooperation in fighting against money laundering and terrorism financing at bilateral and multilateral levels.

The two heads of state stressed that international cooperation should be continued to tackle climate change in accordance with the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Kyoto Protocol as well as the principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities". They expressed their readiness to take necessary steps to implement the "Bali Roadmap" and facilitate the smooth going of the Fifteenth Session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC and the Fifth Session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (7-18 December 2009, Copenhagen).

The two sides reiterated that they would continue their efforts to attain the Millennium Development Goals and other goals for common development and stressed the urgent need of international cooperation in the development area against the backdrop of an ever worsening international financial crisis.

The two heads of state called for the establishment of an architecture of international relations in the Asian-Pacific region with a security system based on multi-polarity, equality and comprehensiveness and accommodation of each other's interest as its key elements. They stressed that the process of integration should be facilitated under the principle of openness and on the basis of mutual benefit and non-discrimination.

The two sides expressed willingness to continue to support each other and strengthen coordination within the frameworks of multilateral organizations in the Asian-Pacific region, namely the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, the ASEAN Regional Forum, the Asia Cooperation Dialogue and the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia. China endorses Russia's efforts to join the East Asia Summit and the Asia-Europe Meeting and is ready to support Russia's application.

The two heads of state held that stability, security, sustainable economic development and social progress in Central Asia serve the long-term interest of China and Russia as well as all countries in this region. China and Russia will work with Central Asian countries both bilaterally and within the SCO framework to deepen cooperation in the fields of politics, trade, economy and security, and to severely crack down on terrorisms, separatism, extremism, drug trafficking and organized transnational crimes. China and Russia welcome the enforcement of the Treaty on Establishing Nuclear Free Zone in Central Asia.

The two heads of state expressed serious concern over the situation on the Korean Peninsula. They were of the view that the UN Security Council Resolution 1874 is aimed at strengthening the efforts to solve the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula by political and diplomatic means. They expressed support for an early resumption of the six-party talks, expressing hope that parties to the talks could fulfill their respective obligations stipulated in the joint statement of the six-party talks issued on 19 September 2005. China and Russia were ready to contribute to the easing of the tension in Northeast Asia. They believed parties concerned should remain committed to addressing their differences appropriately through dialogue and consultations and other peaceful means, and maintaining and consolidating regional peace and security on the basis of multilateral mechanisms.

The two sides reiterated that the Middle East issue should be tackled through a comprehensive, sustained and equitable approach in line with the universally acknowledged norms of international law, and emphasized the importance of holding an international conference on the Middle East in Moscow.

China and Russia emphasized that the Iranian nuclear issue can only be solved through political and diplomatic means. There needs to be a restoration of the trust of the international community over the peaceful nature of Iran's nuclear program, and negotiations with Iran should be started at an early date to seek a comprehensive, lasting and proper settlement of the issue.


The talks between the two heads of state were held in an atmosphere of friendship, mutual trust, mutual understanding and cooperation, and achieved important results. The two sides were satisfied with the outcomes of the talks.

President Hu Jintao of the People's Republic of China invited President Dmitry Medvedev of the Russian Federation to visit China at a time of his convenience in 2010. President Medvedev accepted the invitation and expressed his appreciation. The date of the visit will be decided through diplomatic channels.

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