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Wen Jiabao Meets with Spain's Prime Minister Zapatero
2011-04-12 09:09

On April 12, 2011, Premier Wen Jiabao met with Spain's Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero in Ziguangge, Zhongnanhai.

Wen said that currently the world is facing many complex and grim challenges in the political, economic and security areas. All countries should enhance dialogue and cooperation in the spirit of mutual respect, advocating harmony and sharing mutual concerns in the same boat. China cherishes mutual trust and friendship with Spain and is ready to keep close high-level exchanges with Spain to push forward bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership.

Wen said the European Union will be able to overcome the sovereignty debts crisis faced by some member countries, citing the EU's status as the largest bloc of developed countries, which boasts a solid economic basis, advanced technology and management experience and high quality human resources. "China would like to continue to buy Spain's government debts and play a part in supporting the Spanish savings bank restructuring bond," Wen said. "As a responsible and long-term investor in the European financial market, China supports the bail-out measures by the EU and International Monetary Fund (IMF)," Wen said. "I am convinced that Europe will surely accomplish its economic and social stability and development."

Zapatero lauded China's prompt and staunch support when his country was hit hard by the global financial crisis. "The support helped build up Spain's confidence and capability to prevail over difficulties and ensure the stability and development of Spanish and European economies," Zapatero said. Zapatero said Spain welcomed China's greater investment and called for stronger cooperation in humanities, tourism and infrastructure to advance bilateral ties. Spain is the best friend of China in the EU and will continue to play a positive role in pushing forward EU-China relations.

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