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China Strongly Opposes U.S. Move on Human Rights
2004-05-30 12:53

(January 12, 2000)-- Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhu Bangzao said on January 12 that the Chinese government and people are firmly opposed to the recent announcement by the U.S. that it will table a draft resolution concerning China at the 56th meeting of the UN Commission on Human Rights.

"The Chinese government and people hereby express their strong indignation and firm opposition to the U.S. move," Zhu said.

He said that the U.S. declared that it will table a draft resolution at the upcoming UN meeting because of the so-called question of human rights, constituting a gross violation of China' s internal affairs.

He added that the Chinese government always respects the general principles of the international community on human rights, and has made an active effort to promote and protect its people's human rights and fundamental freedoms in light of China's actual conditions. It is widely acknowledged that the human rights and fundamental freedoms enjoyed by the Chinese people are at an unprecedented level.

The spokesman said that it is entirely unjustified and of ulterior motives for the U.S. to make such groundless and unwarranted accusations against China under the ground of the so-called human rights issues. The U.S. is in no position to point its finger at other countries over human rights, Zhu said.

He noted that China has consistently held that the differences between states on the question of human rights should be addressed and settled through dialogue on the basis of equality and mutual respect.

Fact has and will continue to prove that this sort of confrontational approach will lead nowhere, he said, adding that China demands that the U.S. immediately correct its wrong decision.

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