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Wen Jiabao Holds Talks with ROK Prime Minister Kim Hwang-sik
2011-04-14 14:18

On April 13, 2011, Premier of the State Council Wen Jiabao held talks with ROK Prime Minister Kim Hwang-sik at the Great Hall of the People. The two sides reached important consensus on further developing the bilateral strategic cooperative partnership.

Wen said that China and South Korea, faced with the unprecedented international financial crisis and complicated regional situation in recent years, have strengthened high-level communications, overcome the difficulties together, maintained and enhanced mutual interest. As important close neighbors, the two countries should take stronger policy measures from the strategic height and long-term perspective to further strengthen the bilateral relations.

He noted that China expects to keep all levels of close dialogues and consultations with South Korea on the bilateral, regional and major global issues, handle challenges properly, take care of each other's concerns, deepen political mutual trust and strategic collaboration. He is looking forward to exchanging in-depth views with President Lee Myung-bak during the meeting of leaders of China, Japan and South Korea to be held next month.

He pointed out that China is actively expanding domestic demand and accelerating change of economic growth pattern while South Korea sets the "1 trillion dollar trade volume target" which creates favorable conditions for broader bilateral trade and economic cooperation. He is confident that with tangible efforts of both sides to reach US$300 billion of bilateral trade by 2015 is achievable. China and South Korea enjoy great potential of cooperation on information & communication technologies, shipbuilding, finance, logistics, new and high-tech, environmental protection and energy efficiency. They should increase mutual investment and expand joint R&D, step up industrial consolidation and achieve a win-win outcome. Relevant departments of both sides should speed up the implementation of the consensus reached by leaders of the two countries and launch the negotiations on the bilateral free trade area as scheduled, which is very important to boosting the confidence of the business community and promoting East Asian economic integration.

He suggested the two sides take the opportunity of the 20th anniversary of China-South Korea diplomatic ties next year to hold colorful celebrations, expand exchanges between youth and enhance cultural, educational and tourism cooperation. China will support South Korea's efforts of hosting the 2012 Yeosu World Expo and the 2014 Incheon Asian Games.

On the situation of Korean Peninsula, Wen said that dialogue and consultations are always the best way of solving relevant issues. Parties concerned have started trying some contacts and interactions which will help ease the tension. Such efforts should be intensified so as to create conditions for resuming the six-party talks as soon as possible. China is willing to continue to play a constructive role of realizing the denuclearization of the Peninsula and maintaining regional peace and stability.

Kim Hwang-sik said that South Korea and China enjoy ever deepening political, economic and cultural cooperation and sound communications in regional and international affairs since the establishment of bilateral strategic cooperative partnership. The bilateral relations continue moving forward, with which South Korea is satisfied. South Korea is willing to make concerted efforts with China to further enhance the bilateral relations.

Agreeing on Wen's opinions about further developing the bilateral relations, Kim expressed hope of strengthening the bilateral high-level exchanges and non-governmental contacts between the youth, academia and media, holding successful celebrations on the 20th anniversary of diplomatic ties in 2012 and increasing mutual trust and friendship constantly. The bilateral pragmatic cooperation on trade and economy, investment, new and high-tech and clean energy as well as at local levels should be broadened. South Korea welcomes more investment and business operations of Chinese enterprises there. It expects to step up the strategic communications with China to jointly maintain peace and stability in Northeast Asia and strengthen exchanges and cooperation to cope with climate change, disaster prevention and relief.

Prior to the meeting, Wen held a welcome ceremony for Kim Hwang-sik in the North Hall of the Great Hall of the People. Vice Chairman of Jiu San Society Central Committee Cong Bin, Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Zhijun, International Trade Negotiation Representative of the Ministry of Commerce and Vice Minister of Commerce Gao Hucheng and Chinese ambassador to South Korea Zhang Xinsen were present.

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