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Premier Wen Jiabao Meets with Brazilian President Rousseff
2011-04-14 14:25

On April 13, 2011, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao met with Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff in Ziguangge, Zhongnanhai.

Wen said that President Rousseff's visit, which is her first to China, is of great significance. She had conducted fruitful talks with her Chinese counterpart Hu Jintao, which deepened China-Brazil friendship and trust and mapped out a blueprint for the development of bilateral strategic partnership. The Chinese government is ready to work closely with the Brazilian government in formulating and implementing measures and policies on cooperation in all areas and make unremitting efforts to promote economic and social development of the two countries and safeguard common strategic interests.

"China-Brazil trade relationship boasts huge potential and faces a broad prospect," Wen said, citing the fact that China was Brazil's biggest trade partner, export destination and investor. First, Wen proposed the two countries make best use of their strengths in energy, finance and infrastructure and expand a package of cooperation to promote interaction of related industries. Second, he called for the two countries to accommodate each other's concerns and optimize trade mix. China welcomed more high value-added imports from Brazil. The Chinese government actively encourages domestic businesses to conduct investment cooperation with Brazil in manufacturing. Third, Wen urged both sides to work more closely in the research and development covering areas of aerospace, nanotechnology, biotechnology and new energy to uplift the level of high-tech cooperation. Fourth, Wen suggested the two countries boost South-South cooperation by working with the third party, especially other developing countries to explore effective ways of developing markets. Fifth, Wen said the two countries should oppose any protectionism and promote trade liberalization and facilitation.

Rousseff echoed Wen's proposals, saying despite the distance keeping the two countries apart, both sides share broad common interests and close ties. She said she was glad with the success of her visit to China. Brazil would like to work more closely with China to implement various consensuses, enhance pragmatic cooperation on trade, infrastructure and science innovation, expand humanities and educational exchanges and keep closer consultations and coordination in major international issues so as to boost bilateral strategic cooperative partnership.

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